
MakairaMakaira is 42 feet (or thereabouts); built as a game fishing boat in or just after 1965 for Perce Thomas who had an engineering business near Penrith. She was powered by a pair of GM diesels. This was unusual as all the other boats built around this time were fitted with Perkins diesels.

If you have a connection with this boat or any information about her (or her original or subsequent owners) please post a comment.


Makaira — 1 Comment

  1. When i worked out of Rose Bay Marina a dozen or so years ago she was moored out wide of the RMYC. I pumped her out quite often after poor weather as she’d pretty much been left to rot. Such a shame as the boat was a stunner and I always hoped that someone would rescue her. The interior details, lure draws etc were all remarkable. Attention to detail you just don’t see anymore. I heard stories that she’d landed some pretty amazing fish in her day. Anyone know what ever happened to her????

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